Upcoming Shows

Upcoming Performances:

Sat, Sept 14 | Journey Church, Marshalltown, IA

Fall 2024 | Los Angeles, CA | Date TBA

2025 | Groton Bible Church, Groton, CT | Date TBD

2 Replies to “Upcoming Shows”

  1. My wife and I watched the show at Idlewild Baptist Church in Lutz, Florida. I am a friend of John MacArthur and serving in a discipleship ministry called Zenon Ministries to public schools and athletic teams. The performance was amazing, thought provoking and inspirational. We loved it and thanked God that there are acting groups that share His Word through artistic endeavors. Keep pressing on men of God!

  2. This is not just a mere play, but a dramatic communication of the most important message any person needs to hear – the gospel! That is, the good news that Jesus Christ saves sinners, like you and me. AT3MS is professionally acted out by three very talented, but deeply devoted men, who desire all who see the play, to know the truth about Jesus Christ. A must see, because it is truly more than a mere play, but God’s gospel, artfully and bibically acted out for you to see and respond too!

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